Slate Building History

From the history that we have gathered about the building, it did not originate in Hesperia. We have been told it was built back in the Mid to late 1800’s out at Aetna Corners. What is was out there, we are not clear on. At some point, either in the late 1800’s or early on in the 1900’s is was relocated to its current home in the heart of downtown Hesperia. What we have always enjoyed about this story is that they say it was rolled here on pine logs with a team of horses. We have yet to see any pictures of this, if any exist, but it is quite the sight to imagine. This building being moved 7 to 8 miles from its original site to become one of the corner markers in its new home.

Here it sat in use offering a foundation for numerous business’. What it held previous to becoming the Slate Building, we are not 100% sure of but some we have heard of: Village mercantile, pool hall, and Mortuary to name a few.

Slate Building History 1956

In 1956 Robert Slate and his wife Elaine, moved from Muskegon to Hesperia after purchasing the building with plans to turn it into a pharmacy. Though it was never officially named, this is the year it became the Slate Building.

Housing Bob’s Drugs on the first floor, its second story served as the family home where they raised all 6 of their children. Bob worked as the Pharmacist/Owner until selling both the building and the business to his son Gary in the 1970’s. Just before this the building went through a remodel of its facade which has remained through to 2024. Over the last 50 years, it has had a few upgrades but not many. Sidewalks and a new parking lot in 1986. Nothing notable until 2010 when then interior pharmacy was brought up to date and some new storefront windows were added.


Slate Building